Why I Ask for a 3-Month Commitment for Binge Eating Recovery

If you're struggling with binge eating, you may have tried quick fixes like fad diets, restrictive meal plans, or juice cleanses. But the truth is, that overcoming binge eating isn't something that can be resolved overnight. It requires a more compassionate, consistent and often slower approach. That’s why I ask for a 3-month commitment to work together when you start on your binge eating recovery journey with me.

This may seem like a long period, but it's the foundation needed for long-term behaviour change that'll ultimately improve your physical and mental health. In this post, I’ll explain why this timeframe is crucial and how it can set you up for success in breaking free from binge eating habits.

1. Real Change Requires Time

Binge eating isn't just about overeating—it’s often linked to deep-seated emotional triggers, restrictive behaviours, and complicated relationships with food that have developed over many years. Recovery involves unravelling these patterns and rebuilding a healthier relationship with food, body image, and self-compassion.

The 3-month minimum commitment ensures we have enough time to explore these layers and get the foundation. The early weeks focus on stabilising your eating patterns and identifying immediate triggers that are causing binge eating. But it’s in the following months that we start making deeper emotional and behavioural changes by focusing on your health habits. Many of my clients find that while significant progress is made within the first few months, the real breakthroughs come with continued work beyond this initial phase.

2. The Power of Consistent Support

Consistency is key in any type of recovery, and binge eating recovery is no different. The journey is often full of ups and downs, and without ongoing support, it can be easy to slip back into old thoughts and habits. A minimum of 3 months provides the consistency needed to navigate these challenges and start building the resilience to handle difficult moments on your own.

What’s important to highlight here is that a lot of clients choose to work longer than 3 months because they see the value in continued support. This extra time allows us to reinforce the new habits we’ve developed, and ensure that the changes you’re making are sustainable in the long run.

3. Establishing Habits to Improve Health

Working on your relationship with food takes time, especially if you’ve spent years in the cycle of dieting, restriction, and binge eating. Research shows that it takes about 66 days to form a new habit, which is roughly two months. But forming habits is just the beginning—maintaining them requires practice and consistency.

In our first three months, we’ll work on establishing a regular eating pattern, start learning more about your hunger and fullness cues, and dismantling the binge-restrict cycle. After that, many clients find that they benefit from additional support to strengthen these new behaviours and prevent relapses. Working together longer helps ensure these new habits are not only established but solidified, making them second nature.

4. Build Emotional Understanding and Self Compassion

Binge eating is often a coping mechanism of deeper emotional struggles that could be linked to trauma or feelings such as stress, anxiety, or low self-esteem. Addressing these emotional struggles is essential, but it takes time to unearth and process them meaningfully.

While we can make progress in the first three months, many clients find that additional time is needed to fully embrace emotional growth and self-compassion. Recovery isn’t just about stopping the behaviour; it’s about healing the emotional wounds that have contributed to it. 

A long-term commitment allows us to go deeper and work on developing a more positive, compassionate relationship with yourself—something that’s key to long-term recovery.

5. Sustained Change and Relapse Prevention

A common concern for people in binge eating recovery is the fear of relapse. While you might see significant improvement in the first few months, minimising the risk long-term for binge eating often requires ongoing attention to prevent slipping back into old patterns. 

During the extended phase, we focus on relapse prevention strategies, helping you build confidence and skills in managing triggers on your own. We also fine-tune the tools and skills you’ve developed, ensuring you’re well-equipped to maintain the progress you’ve made and continue moving forward.

Why a 3-Month Commitment?

The 3-month commitment provides the essential structure and time needed to make meaningful changes in your binge eating recovery. It’s not just about addressing the symptoms of binge eating; it’s about understanding and working through the underlying causes. But recovery is a journey, and many people find that after three months, they’re ready for more growth and support to truly solidify their progress.

Beyond 3 Months

Many of my clients come to me for binge eating recovery expecting a quick solution but quickly realise that this work takes time. They choose to continue working with me beyond the 3-month commitment because they see the value in continued support, guidance, and accountability.

Recovery isn’t just about stopping binge eating—it’s about regaining your life away from food worry and stress, building your confidence and trust in your body and your relationship with food. For some, the journey takes longer, and that’s perfectly okay. Whether you need three months or a year, the important thing is that we work together at a pace that feels right for you.


A 3-month commitment is the starting point for binge eating recovery, providing the time and consistency needed to address the root causes and build sustainable habits. Remember, recovery isn’t a race, and it’s certainly not a one-size-fits-all process; everyone’s journey is unique. Whether it takes three months or longer, the goal is to create sustainable change—freeing yourself from guilt and stress around food while improving your overall health.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards binge eating recovery and long-term change, I’m here to support you. Whether your journey takes three months or longer, you’ll have the support you need every step of the way.


Managing binge eating disorder can be a challenging journey, but you don't have to go through it alone.

Learn more about my 1:1 consultations and how they can empower you to break free from dieting and binge eating. Click here to explore my support services

Don't let dieting and binge eating control your life any longer. Contact me here to find out how I can support you.

My Mission: Embracing a balanced and sustainable approach

At The Binge Dietitian, my mission is simple yet powerful: to help yo-yo dieters liberate themselves from binge eating and find lasting peace with food. I am passionate about guiding you towards a healthier relationship with both your body and the food you consume. Together, we will set sustainable and realistic goals that support your overall well-being.


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