The Truth About Detoxing After Your Summer Break

After enjoying those long summer days, family outings, and spontaneous adventures, it’s easy to feel like you need a “reset” to get back on track. With the kids off school and the shift in routine, you might feel like your eating habits have gone off course. 

Or maybe you have enjoyed a well-deserved break. Vacations can bring relaxed routines, indulgent meals, and a bit of guilt when it’s time to return to everyday life. But here’s why the detox myth isn’t the best approach.

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

Promotes Guilt: Believing you need to detox can make you feel guilty about enjoying your vacation. Instead of celebrating your time off, you might start feeling anxious about the food choices you made.

Oversimplifies Health: Detoxes often focus on quick fixes and restrictive practices, which can overshadow the importance of a balanced, sustainable approach to eating and well-being.

Adds Pressure: The idea of needing to detox can create additional pressure to “make up” for perceived indulgences, which promotes an all-or-nothing mindset that leads to a cycle of guilt and restriction rather than promoting true balance.

🌟 What you could do instead:

Ease Into Healthy Habits: Instead of jumping into a strict detox which is unsustainable for the long term try gradually returning to your usual routine. Focus on balanced, regular meals and self-care practices that fit seamlessly into your daily life.

Practice Self-Compassion: Understand that it’s normal for routines to shift during a vacation or the summer holidays. Be kind to yourself as you transition back, recognising that it’s okay to enjoy yourself and still work towards feeling balanced.

Celebrate Your Vacation: Reflect on the positive experiences and memories from your trip.

😉 Toni’s Top Tip: 

Remember, there’s no need for extreme measures or quick fixes. Your body is resilient and capable of returning to balance without the need for a detox. Focus on enjoying the transition back to your routine with a gentle, self-compassionate approach.

Struggling with dieting and binge eating…

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