What Freedom from Diets Truly Means…

  • "It was difficult at first of course, but Toni was responsive to how I was dealing with everything and adapted the actions/goals for the week accordingly. I am now on the other side and can't imagine how I ever lived like I did. Toni was supportive and knowledgeable throughout my treatment and I would recommend her to anyone who feels stuck. Thank you so much, Toni, you are fab!"

    — Rachael, Bristol, UK

  • "Toni helped me see my relationship with food in a new light that has forever changed me for the better. Her words of wisdom, tools and recommendations around non-dieting mean I am now confident in my ability to eat intuitively and mindfully. Together we worked to silence my inner food critic and look at food from a neutral lens. I have learned the signs of hunger and fullness, and feel confident in my ability to decide when to start and stop eating."

    — Dena, NY, USA

  • "Toni is great at explaining things clearly and debunking diet culture and myths without making me feel silly, so I think I've been able to change my perspective on weight and food quite quickly. I also think I've been able to move at my own pace, so I never felt like I was setting myself up for failure or trying too much too soon.”

    —Philippa, London, UK

  • "I feel more informed and confident to help me start to recognise and challenge diet culture thoughts and behaviours. I have appreciated the practical advice and suggestions around meals, self-soothing activities etc. It has helped to feel like I have someone there who understands how I am feeling in regards to food, and who I can talk to about my challenges.”

    —Hannah, Warwickshire, UK

Ready to break free from the 

Guilt, shame, and constant battle with food?

Take the first step towards food freedom by booking a free 15-minute call with me.

During this call, we'll discuss your unique situation, I’ll answer any questions you may have and can determine if my 1:1 support program is the right fit for you. 

Simply book a time in my schedule below.

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If a video call doesnt seem comfortable right now…

I understand it can be a lot to jump on a video call with a stranger so let’s chat on WhatsApp first…

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