Why is Regular Eating the First Step to Overcoming Binge Eating

Binge eating is a complex and challenging issue that affects many individuals, especially those who’ve experienced mixed messages about food and dieting throughout their lives. If you find yourself trapped in the cycle of binge eating, it's important to know that there is hope and a path to recovery. One crucial first step on this journey is establishing a regular eating pattern.

Understanding the Cycle of Binge Eating

Before we delve into why eating regularly is so important, let's briefly explore the vicious cycle of binge eating. Binge eating is characterised by consuming large amounts of food in a short period while feeling a loss of control. It often leads to feelings of guilt, shame, and physical discomfort.

One of the key triggers for binge eating is irregular or inconsistent eating patterns. Skipping meals, avoiding certain foods or going too long without food can lead to intense cravings and over-hunger, which in turn can trigger a binge episode. This creates a cycle where irregular eating contributes to binge eating, and binge eating further disrupts eating patterns.

The Crucial Role of Regular Eating

The importance of regular eating in the recovery from binge eating is so powerful. Here are several reasons why it's the first step to breaking free from this cycle:

  1. Stabilising Blood Sugar Levels

    When you go for long periods without eating, your blood sugar levels can drop significantly. This drop in blood sugar can lead to intense cravings for sugary or high-calorie foods, as your body is looking for energy, quickly. This makes it more likely that you'll binge on these foods when you finally eat. By eating regularly you keep your blood sugar levels stable, so cravings reduce, which means the risk of binge eating is minimised.

  2. Stops your Body Becoming Over-Hungry

    When you eat at consistent times, your body avoids getting over-hungry as it is getting nourishment regularly. When we get over-hungry, this can lead to a compulsive feeling to eat anything (and sometimes everything) in sight.

  3. It Significantly Reduces the Urge to Binge

    Eating regularly reduces binge episodes. It is common to see clients who miss meals earlier in the day end up binge eating in the evenings. Over time, your body begins to expect regular meals and snacks which can significantly reduce the urge to binge.

  4. It rebuilds Trust with Your Body

    Binge eating often leads to feelings of distrust and disconnection from your body's hunger and fullness cues. Regular eating helps you rebuild this trust. As you consistently nourish your body, you become more attuned to its signals of hunger and fullness, making it easier to respond appropriately to your body's needs.

The Common Challenge of “Not Feeling Hungry”

One common concern when trying to establish regular eating patterns is the feeling of not being hungry. You might worry that you're forcing yourself to eat when you're not interested in food. It's essential to address this concern and develop strategies to overcome it:

  1. Recognising Non-Hunger Cues

    It is common for people to think that hunger is that empty, stomach rumbling feeling but sometimes, our bodies send signals that might be mistaken to be something else. Stress, lack of concentration, being preoccupied with food and feeling a little agitated could be signs of hunger. Learning your hunger cues is a skill that can be learned when establishing regular eating patterns.

  2. Eating when you’re not hungry

    Even if you don't feel hungry, it's important to still eat at regular intervals. To begin with, it might be helpful to set meal and snack times and stick to them as consistently as possible, even if you're not feeling hungry. Over time, your body will begin to expect food at these times, and your hunger cues will become more noticeable.

Your Hunger Is Not the Problem

Many clients of mine who struggle with dieting and binge eating have been told that their hunger is a problem. Whether that’s having comments made by people when they were children or as they have grown up around diet culture and find themselves in a pattern of suppressing hunger for particular diets. 

Ignoring, suppressing or blaming your hunger can lead to feelings of shame and anger. It's important to challenge this belief and remind yourself that hunger is a natural body signal and that it looks different to everyone. Embrace hunger as a sign that your body is working properly and needs nourishment.

Now you know why eating regularly is the first step to overcoming binge eating. 

If this is something you’re struggling with right now, I can provide valuable guidance and assistance on your journey, helping you to establish regular eating patterns and empowering you to move towards freedom from the cycle of binge eating. 

Learn more about my 1:1 consultations and how they can empower you to break free from dieting and binge eating. Click here to explore my support services

Don't let dieting and binge eating control your life any longer. Contact me here to find out how I can support you.

My Mission: Embracing a balanced and sustainable approach

At The Binge Dietitian, my mission is simple yet powerful: to help yo-yo dieters liberate themselves from binge eating and find lasting peace with food. I am passionate about guiding you towards a healthier relationship with both your body and the food you consume. Together, we will set sustainable and realistic goals that support your overall well-being.


5 Practical Tips for Implementing Regular Eating Right Now


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