Is Hunger something you can control?

Diet culture has long preached that ignoring your hunger pangs is a sign of discipline and control. Whether starting the day with a coffee and a cigarette (remember when that was encouraged for better health??), chewing gum, going to bed early, having some fruit (when you really want chocolate) or “just drinking water” - we've all been there.

👇🏻Me at the end of the day when I have tried so hard to ignore my hunger all-day:

When I am hungry, I always think I feel like this! JUST FEED ME!

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

OK, but seriously, who are we kidding? Suppressing and ignoring our hunger spreads the message that we are unable to trust our bodies. Leading us down the rabbit hole of yo-yo dieting, guilt and frustration. We believe that our hunger signs are “bad” and we should do something about them.

Overtime, by suppressing hunger can lead to:

  • An unhealthy relationship with food as you get mad at yourself, blaming willpower and control.

  • Your body not showing signs of hunger any more, as your body adapts to you ignoring it. Don’t worry though, this is not permanent, your hunger cues can come back.

  • Overeating after resisting your hunger as you finally give in to your body's signals.

  • Emotional distress and self-blame about hunger level as you believe your hunger cues are wrong.

🌟 What you could do instead:

  • Listen to your body: Tune in to your hunger cues and honour them. Eat when you're hungry, and don’t wait till you are “hangry” and ready to eat your kitchen empty. 

  • Eat regularly: Eat food consistently throughout the day. Think of it as giving your car the right amount of gas for a smooth ride. This will help with feeling ravenous in the evenings.

  • Eat food that warms the soul: Include some foods that bring you joy and nourishment. Remember that food is meant to be enjoyed.

  • Ditch the guilt: Guilt is a learned behaviour and doesn't belong with any of our meals. You can learn to trust your body to tell you it's hungry, this takes time.

Everyone's hunger signs are different because we are all uniquely different. Your body deserves love and kindness, not criticism when it comes to food.

This damaging myth promoted by diet culture that urges us to suppress our hunger in the name of discipline. It is important to learn how to trust your bodies and responding to hunger cues promptly, promoting healthier relationships with food. By adopting a mindful and balanced approach to eating, we can pave the way for a more nourishing and satisfying connection with food, celebrating our individuality and the unique hunger signals we each experience.

Stay tuned for more myth-busting adventures in the coming weeks as we continue our mission to debunk myths and make food less stressful.

Struggling with dieting and binge eating…

Imagine a life where food is a source of nourishment and pleasure, rather than a source of stress and anxiety? If you want to stop dieting and binge eating cycle, it can be a challenging journey, but you don't have to go through it alone.

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