Understanding the Real Reasons Behind Diet Failures

During a recent chat with one of my clients they expressed that they felt they had “failed” because diets just weren't giving them the results they promised.

But let me tell you, that couldn't be further from the truth!

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

This myth is drenched in the diet mentality and screams so much self-judgment. Saying you've "failed" at diets implies that it's your fault for not sticking to the plan and achieving those coveted weight loss results.

But here's the tea ☕️: Research shows that diets are more likely to lead to future weight gain, not loss! A whopping 63% of people fail to lose even 5% of their body weight (which is generally around 3-5kg / 6-11lbs) using weight loss programs. If diets truly worked, we wouldn't be seeing these disappointing results. 

Choosing to adopt a non-diet approach isn’t a sign of failure, in fact it’s a sign of strength, wisdom and self-care. Dieting often sets us up for a cycle of restriction, guilt and shame, wreaking havoc on our relationship with food and leaving us feeling stressed and disordered.

A non-diet approach allows you to break free from endless cycles of binge eating, shame and stress around food.

🌟 What you could do instead:

  • Let go of the self-blame and judgement: Remember that if diets worked, you wouldn't have had to try them more than once. Diets have failed you!

  • Ditch the weight loss goal: It's time to shift your focus away from the numbers on the scale. Instead, let's focus on nourishing your body and nurturing your well-being.

  • Focus on health-promoting behaviours: Focusing on health away from health means increasing healthy habits that truly support you, like regular and balanced eating, self-compassion, joyful movement, and self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Discuss your concerns with me, a trained non-diet registered dietitian

If you're tired of the dieting rollercoaster and ready to break free from the cycle of restriction and guilt, let's chat! Book a free 15-minute call to explore how the non-diet approach can support you on your journey to a healthier relationship with food. Or, feel free to shoot me a DM on WhatsApp, whatever feels comfortable for you!

Work with me 1:1

Learn more about my 1:1 consultations and how they can support you to break free from dieting and binge eating. Click here to explore my services.

Don't let dieting and binge eating control your life any longer. Contact me here to find out how I can support you.


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