Should You Avoid Snacking?

Now, this is a classic myth that has been born from the diet culture we live in, promoting restricted intake and creating a web of confusion around snacking.

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

This myth can make you think that snacking is a dieting disaster, leading to guilt and food stress. 

It paints snacking as the bad guy, suggesting that to have "control," you must avoid snacking entirely. This can lead to you feeling over-hungry, which can then set the stage for overeating and feeling like you have no control.

But the truth is, snacking done right can be your ally in managing your hunger, keeping cravings in check, and enjoying food without stress. It's all about making informed choices and finding the balance that works for you.

🌟 What you could do instead:

  • Energise with Purpose: Pick snacks that provide a much-needed energy boost, keeping you charged throughout the day. Think of them as your mini power-ups.

  • Beat the Pre-Meal Munchies: If you're hungry an hour before your main meal, don't delay. Have a satisfying snack instead. It'll help you stay focused on your tasks and prevent constant meal-time thoughts!

  • Smart Pairing: Choose snacks that are packed with nutrients. This not only keeps hunger at bay but also helps prevent late-night binge eating. My personal favourite? A packet of crisps with a delicious dip like hummus or salsa. NOM!

  • Tame the hunger: Use snacks strategically to manage your hunger and avoid those pesky cravings. No more battles with untimely cravings!

  • Savour the Moment: Remember, snacking isn't the enemy. It can be a delightful and supportive part of your healthy lifestyle.

Painting snacking as a dieting disaster, causes unnecessary guilt and stress. However, snacking done right can manage hunger, prevent overeating, reduce binge eating, and enhance your relationship with food. Choose energising snacks, beat pre-meal munchies, focus on nutrient-packed options, and use snacks strategically to control cravings. Snacking can be a delightful and supportive part of a healthy lifestyle.

Stay tuned for more myth-busting adventures in the coming weeks as we continue our mission to debunk myths and make food less stressful.

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